Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I ♥ U

Really miss my beloved dad. He passed away when I was 15(form 3). hurmm,. Ada orang bagitau n also masukkan kat dalam sijil kematian yang ayah pergi disebabkan sakit jantung, but I know it wasn't true. n I was there, masa2 terakhir dengan ayah. I still remember d way he smiled at me, d way he called me, he really insist want me to be by his side all d time on that moment. Ingatkan masa tu panggil just untuk minta ambil sesuatu or buat apa2 ke. So, at d beginning I went to him just for awhile see what he want then I went somewhere else. I started to feel something is going to happen,. Rupa-rupanya tu la kali terakhir *saat terakhir berada disamping ayah yang sangat disayangi. n I am really glad because I was there disaat-saat ayah menhembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. He died on 8th January 2003, at 8.45p.m(Wed). I will never forget him. Not once. Not a second. 

That's because

 Mohamed Yusof bin Abdul Waad 

haha, bila baca tajuk post yang ney mesti ada yang salah faham punya kan,..

So, tengok dulu sampai habis oke,..(◕‿-)