Thursday, May 5, 2011


my heartbeat, it?? o.0"
"Mom, I really need a vacation! a.s.a.p!!" n finally I get 1.. really? r you kidding me? haih. well, I didn't mention to have my vacation in ward lorh! I mean, staying in ward for 3 days..?? uuurghh,..It's 1 of my worth nightmares ever!! 

I sleep here for 3 days
Kena masuk wad, thats mean this is d 3rd times I've been 'check in' here, except at different places. But comparing with before, I think this one is the worth yet unforgettable! 1st time tiba-tiba sampai di bahagian emergency pihak hospital terus grab a wheelchair n brought me straight into d critical zone area. padahal sebelum2 ney kalau aNn sakit just dapatkan Nebulyzer dah cukup. tapi kali ney siap diorang buat x-ray n put on me macam2 jenis mesin sampaikan ada jenis2 yang aNn sendiri tak tau untuk apa mesin tu. PANIC!!!! well, on d bright side I can see all of them; d doctors, d nurses n staffs(d rescue team) struggling to save my life,..I'm very touched! 

A big APPLAUSE for them. Well, not all d gov. rescue team are useless. just a tiny of them who misused their power against peoples around them. So, keep up the good work GHKL RESCUE TEAM!!
view from my ward
bed's number: 27, 2
ward: NW23
floor: 5
location: General Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
duration: 02-04 May 2011

You know what, about 2 days this woman particular written on my bed's signboard before they change it to mine.

name: Maharum
age: 64.5 years old

what will you think when you saw this signage at a teenager's bed at anywhere ward u have visited? eeeiee!! kan?? haha. majoriti yang datang visit their family or friend di kiri kanan katil aNn mesti berhenti sekejap depan katil aNn pandang2 2-3 kali ke signboard, ke aNn, ke signboard then ke aNn semula while making their weird faces..Confuse la tu. I just smile back at them. ngeee~ n paling kelakar sampai ada yang berani tanya tu. Dia tanya "awat tengok muka hang tak ada rupa tua ja macam umur hang kat papan tanda tu." I just tease him back by saying "awet muda la cu oii!! haha." 

my sleeping buddy, DOMOkun!! 
tea time!!
when it's time for me to check out, I know that I'm going to miss all my new friends I've met there, d nurses who treat me days n nights, d doctors,..(handsome woo,..;p) well thanks again for taking cares of me. I won't forget all of you. 
d doctors morning routine
many of them are still in practical..
❤___❤ ~
these 3(1 more was not around) persons that always encouraging me, supports me;
my mom n adik (n abang)

❤ you guys so much!!!

thank you..^.^v~