Monday, July 11, 2011

Autobots! Roll Out!


Have u watch this TRANSFORMERS 3 | Dark of The Moon yet?? yes? no? haha, well I've watched it with my beloved abang..*abang kandung oke,.^.^~ what I can tell here is this movie is really worth to watch. but 1 tips I wanna share with u guys,..make sure korang dah setel tonton these 2 previous movies.

Nak tau kenapa aNn bagi tips macam tu? coz I'm afraid if korang tak follow cerita tu dari d 1st movie korang mungkin akan jadi blur 10seconds *doing face like 0.o"? feel lost n maybe u'll get confuse about the story line coz this movie is the sequel for the previous movie. *tapi kalu boleh faham it's oke..~ 

So, if korang nak rasa more thrill n adventure while watching these awesome microorganism robots  (AUTOBOTSvs.DECEPTICONSmovie korang follow je la tips tu oke. tak susah p0wn kan.*kalau betul nak melayan cerita ni la....(◕‿-) ~

Happy Watching!!~